The Faculty of Arts of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is pleased to announce the appointment of its two new Chair Professors. Professor Bill Ashcroft assumed duty as Chair of English on January 4, 2006 while Professor Frank Dikotter has taken up Chair of Humanities since February 1, 2006.
Professor Kam Louie, Dean of Faculty of Arts, is very pleased with the appointment of the two Chair Professors, "after intensive global search, the Faculty is very fortunate to have two internationally renowned professors, Professor Bill Ashcroft and Professor Frank Dikotter, join us. Their impressive expertise and ongoing research will no doubt further stimulate the exciting research into studies of the East and West."
The Chair of Humanities is established for the first time at HKU. Professor Kam Louie said, "it aims to enhance research in all the disciplines in the Faculty. The Faculty already has a very strong research profile internationally. The new Chair will encourage and support research efforts in the newly formed Humanities School and will provide a leadership role in further enhancing the Faculty's ability to form clusters of research excellence, crossing traditional disciplines and methodologies."
Professor Bill Ashcroft, Chair of English, is a founding exponent of post-colonial theory. His co-authored book The Empire Writes Back was the first to define this field, and since then he has achieved international renown in post-colonial studies. Prior to joining HKU Professor Ashcroft was Head of the School of English at the University of NSW in Sydney. He studied at the University of Sydney and the Australian National University, Canberra and has taught in several Universities around the world.
Professor Frank Dikotter, Chair of Humanities, specializes in modern China history and has published on a wide range of topics such as race, narcotics and sex. Prior to joining HKU, he was professor in School of Oriental and African Studies of University of London. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in University of Geneva and his PhD in School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Photo Captions:
Picture 1: photo of Professor Bill Ashcroft
Picture 2: photo of Professor Frank Dikotter
For media interviews or enquiries please contact Ms. Cherry Cheung, Senior Press Officer, HKU at 2859 2606. |
 Picture 1
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