The Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Hong Kong held a ceremony today to honour nine outstanding dignitaries for their contributions in teaching and research to the Department and contributions in professional services to the community of Hong Kong.
Professor T.S. Ng, Dean of Engineering presented the Certificates of Honorary Professorship for the Department of Civil Engineering and HKU Pro-Vice- Chancellor Professor C.F. Lee and Pro-Vice- Chancellor Professor Joseph Lee also attended the ceremony.
The list of Honorary Professorship is:
1. Professor CHAN Hon Chuen
Professor Chan Hon Chuen obtained his bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Hong Kong in 1960 and the Ph.D degree in structural engineering from the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London 1965. After a short stint in professional practice, Professor Chan served the Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Hong Kong for 31 years from 1968 until his retirement in 1999; from 1994 to 1998, he was appointed head of Department. Professor Chan specializes in structural engineering, his main research interests are in the areas of higher order finite element method, shearwalls and corewalls, and plate and space structures.
2. Professor CHEUNG Yau Kai
Professor Cheung Yau Kai, formerly Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong and academic head of the Civil Engineering Department, was for many years Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Professor Cheung is an internationally renowned researcher and scholar, well known in particular for his research activities in engineering mechanics and for his pioneering contributions to the methods of finite elements and finite strips for solving engineering problems. He completed his early education in Hong Kong and Guangzhou and was awarded Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in the United Kingdom. Professor Cheung is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was awarded an O.B.E. in 1995.
3. Professor Leslie Arthur CLARK
Professor Leslie Arthur Clark has been teaching in the University of Birmingham since 1978 and is currently the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Estates and Infrastructure) of the University. Professor Clark earned his first degree and his Ph.D from the University of Sheffield. In recent years, Professor Clark's research interest has concentrated on the structural effects of defects and deterioration, the quality of construction on site as well as the health and safety aspects of both permanent and temporary works. He has also been active in the profession and has been appointed by the UK Government and British Standards Institution to Chair a review of Structural Design Codes in Construction in 2000.
4. Professor John HUDSON
Professor John A. Hudson obtained his first degree from the Heriot-Watt University, UK and his PhD at the University of Minnesota, USA. He has spent his professional career in engineering rock mechanics in consulting, research and teaching. He edited the 1993 five-volume "Comprehensive Rock Engineering" compendium and currently edits the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. From 1983 to the present, Professor Hudson has been affiliated with Imperial College as Reader and Professor. He is also a Principal of Rock Engineering Consultants who is actively engaged in applying engineering rock mechanics principles and techniques to relevant engineering practice worldwide. In 1998, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK.
5. Professor KO Hon Yim
Professor Ko Hon Yim obtained his first degree from The University of Hong Kong and his Master and PhD from California Institute of Technology. He has been working in the University of Colorado since 1967 and was appointed Glenn L. Murphy Chair of Engineering in 2000. Professor Ko's research interests are centrifuge modelling, earthquake engineering, mechanical properties of soil and rock, constitutive modelling and soil-structure interaction. He has published over 200 publications in these areas of research interests. Professor Ko has received numerous awards over the years, including the prestigious Colorado Engineering Council Gold Medal in 1990.
6. Professor LAW Kum Tim
Professor Law Kum Tim earned his Bachelor and Master’s degrees in civil engineering from The University of Hong Kong and subsequently received the Ph.D from the University of Western Ontario. He spent 17 years at the National Research Council of Canada where he conducted research and consulting service in soft soil engineering, slope stability, in-situ testing methods and soil liquefaction. In 1991, he joined Carleton University as a full time faculty member. Professor Law has been active in the engineering profession in Canada, Hong Kong and China. He has also advised the Hong Kong Institution for Engineers and conducted many lecture tours in China.
7. Professor the Hon. Sarah LIAO Sau-Tung
Professor the Honourable Sarah Liao has been appointed Secretary to the Environment, Transport and Works of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government since August 1, 2002. She received her BS, MS and Ph.D degrees from the University of Hong Kong, in Chemistry and Botany, Inorganic Chemistry, and Environmental/Occupational Health respectively. Dr. Liao is a dedicated environmental scientist and engineer, who began her career in environmental protection in 1976. In 1988, She founded an environmental consulting company which was regularly consulted by the Government, institutions architects and developers on a wide range of environmental issues. In 1997, the company merged with an international engineering consulting firm and her management role was extended to the Mainland and Taiwan. She was appointed the environmental expert and presenter for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee in 2001.
8. Professor QIAN Yi
Professor Qian Yi is one of the outstanding experts in environment engineering and environmental protection education in China. She is the Director of the State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control as well as the Vice Chairperson of the Environmental and Resource Protection Committee of the National People’s Congress of China. In 1994, she became a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in its first cohort. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from the Sanitation Engineering Department of Tongji University and her Master’s degree from Tsinghua University. She has been teaching in Tsinghua University since 1959 and is currently the Professor of Environmental Engineering. For decades, Professor Qian has devoted herself to research on water pollution control technology and mechanism. She has collaborated with the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Hong Kong for many years. In 1996 and 2000, she served the Hong Kong Government as member of the first and second International Review Panel for the Review of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme.
Professor Qian’s connection with Hong Kong dates back to her late father Dr. Chien Mu, a distinguished scholar of Chinese studies who was founder and first president of the New Asia College in 1949. The college is now part of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
9. Professor WANG Shu Cheng
Professor Wang Shu Cheng pursued postgraduate studies at Tsinghua University, Beijing and has been the Minister of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China since 1998. He is also a visiting Chair Professor of Tsinghua University and Hohai University. He has been the member of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation since 2006.
Photo Captions:
(From Left:)HKU Pro-Vice- Chancellor Professor C.F. LEE, Professor the Hon. Sarah LIAO Sau-Tung and Professor QIAN Yi
(From Left:)Professor LAW Kum Tim, Professor Leslie Arthur CLARK, Professor the Hon. Sarah LIAO Sau-Tung, Professor QIAN Yi and Professor CHAN Hon Chuen
Professor CHEUNG Yau Kai, Professor John HUDSON, Professor KO Hon Yim and Professor WANG Shu Cheng are not in Hong Kong therefore unable to attend the ceremony today.
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