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Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

19 Sep 2024 HKU tops local universities with thirty-five young scientists awarded funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China
18 Sep 2024 HKU Engineering team develops next-generation wearable continuous glucose monitoring system for diabetes management
05 Sep 2024 HKU and collaborators join forces to capture first thickness-dependent transitions in 2-dimensional magnetic material
05 Sep 2024 HKUMed finds extended paid maternity leave in Hong Kong associated with a 22% decrease in postnatal depression
29 Aug 2024 Donation of Asia's first world-class medical device to the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Histotripsy technology: a non-invasive, painless, highly efficient surgery for liver cancer
29 Aug 2024 HKU Physicist Professor Yi Yang honoured as Hong Kong’s sole recipient of the 2024 Xplorer Prize
27 Aug 2024 HKU Geologists discover hidden magmatism at the Chang'e-6 lunar landing site, shedding light on solving fundamental scientific questions relating to early evolution of the Moon
15 Aug 2024 HKU reaches record high in 2024 Shanghai Academic Rankings of World Universities
14 Aug 2024 HKU Ecologists first to put an insect group on a century-old map of biodiversity
13 Aug 2024 HKU Scientists develop AI-driven method to enhance electron microscopy imaging capabilities of complex biological systems
08 Aug 2024 HKU Physicist Yi Yang receives 2024 Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Award
07 Aug 2024 HKUMed finds critically ill influenza patients face double the risk of acute kidney injury than COVID-19 patients
01 Aug 2024 HKUMed develops medical-grade smartphone stethoscope to support valvular heart disease detection

